Enrollment Forms

Please be guided with Sea Breeze School’s COVID-19 guidelines below:


As we continue to adjust to the current community health situation, we are tasked with doing what we can to keep children healthy and also ensuring that children with no symptoms are able to continue attending class after an exposure. Sea Breeze is licensed by the State of California and we receive direction from the CDC, the California Department of Public Health, as well as the San Mateo County Health Department. In conjunction with all of these agencies and our local preschool community, the following current guidelines have been established:

  • Although we do STRONGLY recommend that masks are worn inside by all, our current policy states that masks are optional for everyone indoors and outside.
  • If a child shows any signs of illness, they will need to be picked up and out of care for a minimum of 24 hours. A covid test will be necessary if a child is sent home ill.
  • A child may return to school after being symptom free for 24 hours without medication and a negative covid test is presented.
  • If a child tests positive, it will be necessary to follow the flow chart below: